Stand out from the crowd...
Display colour images and direct customers to your website and/or social media.
The Local Art Scene was launched in 2016 by a local Hampshire artist, who saw the need for a national directory where artists, galleries, clubs and suppliers could present themselves in an easily accessible environment, outside of conventional social media platforms.
Not all your customers are on social media!
Our pages are ranked high on the search engines, enabling our listings to be found more easily through conventional searches, and in most cases our pages are listed in the top 10 of Google and MSN for individual artists and suppliers.
Boost your exposure!
A listing on The Local Art Scene can help boost your existing website traffic or provide a cheaper solution to creating and maintaining your own website.
Upgrade here for just £30 per year...
Turn our visitors into your customers...
Redirect our visitors to your website or social media...
Classified Weblink - £30 per year
Classified Weblink Features:
- Slideshow - 1 Photos/Examples of work
- Website link
- Social media follow links
- Email address
- Business description/artists statement (500 Words)
- £30.00 per year
Bank Transfer - Invoice Me