Michael has come along way since graduation in Design in 1997. At the beginning of his career, working from his parents garage, he used nuts and bolts and reclaimed steel to create all sorts of animals, reptiles and bugs. Although these were put together rather crudely, due to lack of experience and him being freshly out of college, he had great fun experimenting and playing with ideas. Michael received a massive boost to his confidence though at this time, when he sold everything he had made for his very first exhibition.
Michael moved into stainless steel because he wanted his work to be weather resistant and he could also see the true beauty of the metal when it was polished. It has so much more to offer than mild steel, in his opinion. Michael continues to use this medium to this day. He does try and use recycled materials as much as possible, especially boat components, which have the highest grade of stainless steel. In recent years he has had the chance to develop his work, creating much larger pieces, which he thoroughly enjoy making. Each piece he makes is unique, made entirely by hand from start to finish. Michael is incredibly fortunate to live on the South Coast of England in the New Forest, where inspiration is all around him.