6 years at Art College, starting at 16. The Head of my first College, Warren Storey FRWA, taught us all to draw. I’m very grateful to him because that’s carried me through life. My regular employment was mostly as a scientific and botanical illustrator/graphic designer in Russell Group Universities (20 years). Earlier I worked as an architectural illustrator and freelanced in illustration. The other arm to my work is painting and printmaking. I made my first etching at 16 and still love printmaking. My paintings are often botanical or from my sketchpads. Isles of Scilly is one of my favourite locations, along with Pill, my home maritime village (Somerset). I frequently attend life-drawing because it keeps my hand and eyes steady.
Retro galleries:
I have successfully exhibited my work over many years. Galleries include (London) The Bankside and Medici Gallery; (Bristol) Royal West of England Academy, The Guild Gallery, 3D Gallery, Ginger Gallery, Off Centre Gallery, and numerous small galleries throughout the West Country.
Since 2016 I’ve exhibited in 12 Open Local Exhibitions, getting a Highly Commended at St Barbes and NFAS 2019 Summer Exhibition.
Handmade prints as opposed to digital prints
I use texture and colour to create a loose image on mountboard, pressing various textures into wet plaster. I loosely push sticks etc to develop a drawing. When it’s dry I ink it with various colours, pushing down into the detail. I edition about 10 prints off the plate. They’re likely to have slight differences on colours.
Drypoint Etching:
Lately I’ve been using Drypoint to give more detail to my subjects. I scribe into a zinc plate or a plastic plate. I edition about 15 prints off the plate.