Rosemary is known primarily a landscape painter.
She works from her studio situated in the village of Holne on the edge of Dartmoor. The proximity to this untamed and spiritual locale serves as an endless source of inspiration for her, allowing a seamless fusion of her passion for art and the natural world. Rosemary is drawn to the rugged expanses of the moor, being captivated by the fleeting moods and shifts in light brought about by the unpredictable weather. Her artistic focus extends to the ancient sites that bear witness to the moor's prehistoric past, as well as the more subdued landscapes marked by intricate patterns of hedged or stonewalled fields. These scenes, juxtaposed with the desolate moorland, tumbling rivers, and rocky tors, hold a particular allure for Rosemary. The coastal vistas of the South West Peninsula also provide a wellspring of inspiration, offering a striking contrast to the starkness often found on the moor. Further afield her travels at home and abroad inspire her to capture her experiences in paint.
Rosemary’s aim is to share with the viewer her personal experience of place, interpreting it in an impressionistic manner using oils, acrylics and mixed media embellishments. She uses a wide range of implements, although palette knives, rags and a ‘hands-on’ approach are her preference. More recently Rosemary has been working with oil and cold wax medium, building up layers and textures in her work with a move towards abstraction.
Rosemary’s quest for abstraction has led her back to her long-term interest in photography and more specifically to alternative methods of photography which offer a wide range of techniques to explore. One of these is Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photography where the image is taken using a slow shutter speed with intentional camera movement while the shutter is open. In this instance one is looking for colours, textures, lines or a strong focal point etc. to create an artistic effect. She uses a light source be it a sunset, bonfires or decorative lights or simply takes advantage of low light conditions to allow a slow shutter speed.
Rosemary’s work has been exhibited widely across the Southwest in solo, shared and group exhibitions, reaching audiences in the UK and worldwide.
Recognised for her contributions, Rosemary’s art has been featured in numerous magazines.